Day 37 | Exodus 22-24 | Chronological Bible Reading Plan

Notes from the Reading:


[We learn all about the laws relating to property and who is at fault when something goes wrong.]

v28, “ ‘You must not dishonor God or curse any of your rulers.’”

People want to speak so badly of those in office over us, those that rule the governments that rule our countries.

Speaking ill of people and complaining accomplishes nothing. We MUST pray for these people, follow their rules (so that they don’t dishonor God), and show honor and respect for those in power. God is the God of Everything. We MUST bring our complaints to Him only and trust He will make things as they should be.


[We have more articles of justice and laws to keep, we learn of the festivals that should happen annually, and the presence of the Lord being with them.]

We must pay attention when the Bible says things multiple times because it means it’s important. It means God REALLY needs people to pay attention to what He putting out there.

You’ll see that it is again mentioned to not treat foreigners poorly and to not call on the names of any other gods.

v2, “ ‘You must not follow the crowd in doing wrong.’”

It’s when we get caught up in doing what others are doing and those things are against God when we get into trouble.

1 Corinthians 15:33, “Don’t be fooled by those who say such things, for ‘bad company corrupts good character.’”

v5, “ ‘If you see that the donkey of someone who hates you has collapsed under its load, do not walk by. Instead, stop and help.’”

We learn later in Matthew 5:43-44 that we are called to love our enemies and do good towards them. And we see that helping our enemies was something God intended us to do all along.

The commentary says, “How you feel about someone does not determine right and wrong behavior towards them.” And the Barnes’ Notes speaks on how this was an important law to prevent revenge.

v20, the angel representative spoken of here is another siting of Jesus in the Old Testament before He comes as Savior of the world. He is the ONLY representative that could command that much power and judgment of the people of Israel.

Again, it is mentioned towards the end of this chapter that they need to not worship any other gods (they unfortunately will) and they need must only serve the Lord (they struggle with this, too) so He will continue to bless them abundantly on their journey.


[Moses writes down all the Lord’s instructions because we need a transcript. The people of Israel, as a whole, again accept the laws and covenant God is offering to them. It feels a bit rushed and uncertain for them.]

v15-18, It’s absolutely incredible that Moses was able to draw so near to God and be with Him in His cloud and know Him so intimately. It’s really inspiring because we ALL have the opportunity to draw near to God because of the sacrifice He made in Jesus dying on the cross for all of us.

Is anyone worried about him leaving Aaron and Hur in charge while he is away with God?? LOL


Day 38 | Exodus 25-27 | Chronological Bible Reading Plan


Day 36 | Exodus 19-21 | Chronological Bible Reading Plan